During the year 2019 Kharif, Manipur face a drought like situation due to late onset, erratic and less amount of rainfall, which was not fit for rice cultivation. This condition continue upto 1st week of August. At this juncture the state government took up initiative through Department of Agriculture, minor irrigation and CADA for providing irrigation water by giving water pumpset to left water from near by water body (canal, river, lake, etc.). Side by side, under the initiative of department of Agriculture along with KVK, Thoubal took up community nursery programme using dapog method so as to produce naximum no. of area coverage in the district to grow rice by using seedling of short duration and early maturity rice var. RC Man. 12, IR 64, tampha phou, etc. The programme benefited 30 0nos. Of farmers in both the district of Thoubal & Kakching covering an area of 75 ha. Area use for nursery : 900sqm No.of rotation for sowing : 3 times Start of sowing : 12th July,2019 Target supply : 100 ha. Nursery supply : 75 ha. No. of farmers benefited : 300